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Summary Innovation Management Erasmus

Need a summary of Innovation Management for the Business Administration course at Erasmus University Rotterdam EUR? This will make the exam a breeze!

"Tomorrow I have an exam for innovation management. Hopefully I will keep all the different theoretical concepts apart and get a good grade."

Do you recognise yourself in the sentence above? Then we at Reken Maar Verslagen have the solution for you.

The subject Innovation Management BKB2106 is one of the most difficult subjects in the Bachelor of Business Administration at Erasmus University Rotterdam EUR, perhaps you have already experienced this yourself. Topics such as creative thinking and the internship gate model are generally perceived as very difficult by students. Do you want to start working on these right away so that you finish your Innovation Management exam at Erasmus University with a good grade? With a summary for the subject Innovation Management at the Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), you will simply pass! Read on below to find out what to expect: we will give you some inside info.

Would you like to get started with this right now to finish your innovation management exam at Erasmus University with a good grade? Then click here to order your innovation management summary!


Want to know even more about innovation management or get a brief introduction to the topics within the profession? Then read on below to see what's in store for you.

samenvatting Innovatie management Erasmus

Summary Innovation management Erasmus University Rotterdam: basic concepts

Innovation within business is very important. If you stand still as a company for too long, you might miss the battle. To properly understand this concept, the subject innovation management is included in the bachelor's programme. In the summary innovation management Erasmus University Rotterdam that you can order here, we cover this subject using a number of key concepts:

- Key concept 1: Adoption of Innovation

- Key concept 2: Idea management

- Key concept 3: Innovation strategy

- Key concept 4: Portfolio management

- Key concept 5: Implementation, teams and networks

We go through them with you below.

Summary Innovation management Erasmus University Rotterdam - Key concept 1: Adoption of Innovation


If a market is ready for innovation then it is important to choosing the right time to adopt this innovation as a company. In the summary innovation management Erasmus University Rotterdam, the adoption of innovation is clarified using an important concept: the 'adoption life cycle'. Is the product currently ripe for only the 'innovators' or even before the 'early adopters'? In the summary innovation management Erasmus University Rotterdam, we discuss all the phases of this cycle and we list all the characteristics for each group. In addition, the summary discusses innovation adoption at the individual level.

Summary Innovation management Erasmus Rotterdam - Core concept 2: creativity & idea management

This core concept is one where many different topics are discussed interchangeably and where you can quickly lose track. It discusses the different components of creativity, social networks, but also, for example, how to 'creative thinking' must activate. There are a total of 12 options to activate 'creative thinking' to activate:

        Left-right brain alteration


        5 W's, 1 H

        Attribute association

        Thinking from inside the box

        Design Thinking

        SIT (Systematic Incentive Thinking)


        Value propostion framwork ("pains" and "gains")

        Erasmus Value Proposition Framework

        Scenario workshops



In the summary, we go through all the ways and briefly but concisely describe exactly what it entails. As you might notice here, there are many different concepts and theoretical terms flying around in this subject. In the innovation management Erasmus University Rotterdam summary, we cover all these concepts clearly and close each chapter with a handy stamps page. Here we summarise the summary to a few pages. Handy to have a clear overview of the topics and to cram them in well!

Summary innovation management Erasmus Rotterdam - Key concept 3: Innovation strategy

This core concept fortunately involves somewhat less abstract concepts as the previous core concept and is more focused on practice. However, this does not mean that it is less important; the right strategy in innovation is important for success. Within this core concept, it is mainly about two topics the 'technology life cycle' and disruptive innovations. First, therefore, the technology life cycle, again a cycle. This can be used to see what stage the technology is in. Meanwhile, is the technology of the phone in the 'growth' phase or in the 'maturity'? If you misjudge the phase of a product, you can make completely the wrong choices as a company. In Reken Maar's summary, these phases are clearly explained using recognisable examples. It also clearly explains what disruptive innovations are and how best to deal with them.

Summary Innovation management Erasmus Rotterdam - Key concept 4: Portfolio management


Portfolio management builds on the knowledge you gained from the core concept of innovation strategies. Within the concept of protfolio management, it is about the choices of whether or not to take on a project or innovation. Earlier, you obviously looked at whether it is the right time for the innovation, but this concept is mainly about combining it with other projects you have within your own company. You can compare it to the purchasing policy of a football club. If you already have a good striker it might not be necessary to get another one. After all, the chances of them scoring many goals together are not very high. The summary innovation management Erasmus University Rotterdam clearly explains how to choose the right innovations to develop using the 'innovation funnel'. Would you like to know more about this now? Then order here your own summary!

Summary innovation management Erasmus Rotterdam - Key concept 5: Implementation, teams and networks

Having looked at whether the innovation itself is ripe for the market and whether it actually fits within the company, it is time to implement the innovation. Part of this concept is the ''stage gate model'. This model consists of the following stages:

-        Stage 0: Discovery Stage

-        Stage 1: Scoping

-        Stage 2: Build business case

-        Stage 3: Development stage

-        Stage 4: Testing & validation

-        Stage 5: Launch


Using these stages, various innovations are eventually developed into actual products or services. Besides the direct implementation of innovations, this concept looks at teams and networks and how to deal with them in the context of innovations. 

Summary Innovation Management Erasmus Rotterdam: Exam structure

This exam usually consists of forty multiple-choice questions with one open-ended bonus question. It is therefore important in this subject that you have ready knowledge and that you have a good grasp of the various concepts. In the summary innovation management Erasmus University Rotterdam, all concepts are clearly discussed and clarified with recognisable examples.

In addition, we list all the information for each chapter again in the stamp page. This is a kind of summary of the summary. It is therefore useful to go through everything again and to memorise the facts, essential for a good grade in this subject.

The summary also contains enough practice material to prepare you for the exam, for example, we have created a practice exam to get you used to the exam structure.

Summary innovation management Erasmus Rotterdam, everything you need to succeed

As you have seen in the descriptions of the core concepts, this course is mainly focused on theoretical concepts. During this course, many different cycles, models and diagrams are treated interchangeably, this can be quite unclear. With the summary innovation management Erasmus University Rotterdam, you don't have to worry about that. Each topic is clearly explained using recognisable examples and handy practice exercises. All information is then clearly repeated again in the stamp page of that chapter. Another little tip for your exam, these stamp pages are ideal to read through one more time just before your exam, so that you go over all the topics again.

So Count But is your best friend on the way to a good grade for your exam. Order your summaries here. On behalf of the whole of Reken Maar, we wish you good luck in preparing and taking the exam! 

Do you find innovation management interesting? What can you become with it?

As you have read above, innovation management is about innovation within industries and companies. It is not only about the innovation itself, but also about how to value it and how it can eventually be implemented within the company. Now, if this profession appeals to you, chances are that you have progressive thinking, which is incredibly useful if you later become an innovation manager within a company. The nice thing about this job is that you do not specialise in one branch of the company, but that you could cause changes in all departments. It is also a challenge to get the people and networks within the company on board with your creative and progressive ideas.

Because we speak from experience and know what it is like to complete this course successfully, we have collected all the necessary knowledge and information to successfully complete this course in a Summary Innovation Management Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), which has been compiled specifically and only for students of the Business Administration course at Erasmus University Rotterdam.

On behalf of all of Reken Maar Verslagen, we wish you the best of luck in preparing and taking the exam!