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Summary Innovation Management Erasmus

Do you need a summary Innovation Management International Business Administration Erasmus University Rotterdam EUR? With this summary your exam will be a piece of cake!

"Tomorrow I have innovation management exam. Hopefully I don't mix up all the different theoretical concepts in my head and end up failing this exam."

Does this line of thought seem familiar? If so, you're in luck. Because Reken Maar Summaries has the solution for you.

The course innovation management BT2106 is considered one of the hardest in the whole bachelor International Business Administration at Erasmus University EUR, maybe you even experienced this yourself. Subjects like computing idea management and portfolio management are broadly considered difficult among students. Do you want to pass your exam innovation management at Erasmus University EUR? Get started right away with the summary innovation management at Erasmus University EUR. Below you can read what to expect from your exam and how to solve the problems you will face during this course: we give you some inside info.

Do you want to pass innovation management at Erasmus University EUR with an amazing grade? Then click here to order your summary innovation management!

Do you want to learn more about innovation management or do you want to get a short introduction in the core subjects of this course? Down below you can read what to expect of this course.

Summary Innovation Management Erasmus

Summary innovation management Erasmus University Rotterdam: Core Concepts

In business it is very important to reinvent yourself every time, because there is lots of competition to take your spot at the top. Innovation is key. Therefore, innovation management is an important course in the International Business Administration bachelor at Erasmus University Rotterdam. In the innovation management summary, we will guide you through this course based on some core concepts of this course. To order this summary, click here!

- Core Concept 1: Adoption of innovations

- Core Concept 2: Idea management

- Core Concept 3: Innovation strategy

- Core Concept 4: Portfolio management

- Core Concept 5: Implementation, teams and networks

Down below we will discuss these concepts with you.

Core Concept 1: Adoption of innovations

Markets need to evolve to survive. Products need to get better and better to meet the customers' demands. As a company it's hard to find the right moment to adopt these new products and innovations. In the summary innovation management Erasmus University Rotterdam adoption of innovations are discussed on the basis of the 'adoption life cycle'. Does this product currently only sell to 'innovators' or does it already sells to 'early adopters? All the phases of this life cycle will be discussed in the innovation management Erasmus University summary, additionally the summary will explain the concept of adoption of innovations on individual level.

Core Concept 2: Idea management

This concept might be a difficult one for you. During this subject a lot of different terms and concepts will be discussed and it is easy to lose sight of the overall picture. Different components of creativity will be discussed, social networks but you will also learn how to activate 'creative thinking'. There are a total of 12 ways to activate 'creative thinking':

- Left-right brain alteration


- 5 W's, 1 H

- Attribute association

- Thinking from inside the box

- Design Thinking

- SIT (Systematic Incentive Thinking)


- Value propostion framwork ("pains" and "gains")

- Erasmus Value Proposition Framework

- Scenario workshops

- Crowdsourcing

In the summary all the options will be discussed in a compact but thoughtful manner. As you might have noticed, this course is a lot about different concepts, cycles and terms. It is very easy to lose track of all these things. With the innovation management Erasmus University Rotterdam summary, we will guide you through this jungle of concepts and terminology. In the summary all the concepts are clarified with easy-to-understand examples. In the summary you can also use the overview pages at the end of every chapter. These pages serve as sort of a small mini summary of the summary. Very useful to study all these concepts and get a good overview.

Core Concept 3: Innovation strategy

The third core concept is luckily a lot more practical than the previous one. Nonetheless this is a very important concept, a good strategy can make or break the entire innovation for the company or the market. For this concept we will discuss two important concepts the 'technology life cycle' and 'disruptive innovations'. Firstly, the 'technology life cycle', which is another cycle. This one is used to determine the phase of the technology. Is the technology currently in the 'growth' phase or the 'maturity' phase? While determining the phase of the technology it is very important to choose the right one. If you judge the technology wrong, the company will suffer from this poor judgement and competition will take advantage. In the innovation management summary, all the phases of this cycle will be explained and clarified with recognisable examples. Additionally, the summary will go in depth about disruptive innovations and how to deal with them.

Core Concept 4: Portfolio management

The concept of portfolio management takes the knowledge of the last core concept innovation strategy and uses is to make decisions. With the portfolio management you look at a lot of different innovations and judge if they fit your portfolio or not. Earlier you have learned how to determine the life cycle of technologies and if they are ready for a bigger market, but with portfolio management you will look at the fit with other products you already have in your company portfolio. You could compare it with a purchasing policy of a football club. There might be a new young striker on the market, but does it fit your team? Do you already have a good striker? And what are the changes they will play well together? These questions are very similar to the toughs for portfolio

management. In the summary we will discuss the right though paths for portfolio management on the basis of the 'innovation funnel'. Do you want to learn more about this subject? Click here to order your very own innovation management Erasmus University summary.

Core Concept 5: Implementation, teams and networks

So now you have judged the innovation and if it's time to implement it in your company and you have looked at if the innovation fits your organisation. The next step is the implementation. To implement the innovation, you normally use the 'stage gate model' This model consists of the following stages:

- Stage 0: Discovery Stage

- Stage 1: Scoping

- Stage 2: Build business case

- Stage 3: Development stage

- Stage 4: Testing & validation

- Stage 5: Launch

This model is used to create complete products or services out of innovative ideas. Next to the direct implementation of innovations this concept also looks at teams and networks and how to deal with them in the context of innovations.

Summary innovation management Erasmus Rotterdam: Structure of the Exam

Normally this exam consists of forty multiple choice questions with one extra open bonus question. So, for this exam it is very important to be on top of your facts and to know every concept in this course. In the innovation management Erasmus University summary every concept is explained and there are plenty of easy-to-follow examples.

Additionally, all the information is summed up in the overview page in a short way. This can be seen as a mini summary of the summary. Very handy to get all the concepts right and to study hard on all the terms, which is essential for a good grade for this exam.

And the summary has plenty of practice exercises to test your knowledge on the concepts. We also included a practice exam to familiarize you with the structure of the exam.

Summary innovation management Erasmus Rotterdam, everything you need to pass

As you have seen by know this course is mostly about theoretical concepts. A lot of different cycles and terms are discussed during this course and it is easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. If you use the innovation management Erasmus University summary you don't have to worry about organising all these concepts on your own. We provide an easy-to-follow summary in which we discuss every concept separately and in which we sum up all the information in handy overview pages. A quick inside tip! Uses these overview pages to study everything right before your exam. In this way you have seen all the subjects one more time before your exam and this helps to activate your knowledge about the subject.

The summary of Reken Maar will be your best buddy during this course. Order your summary over here. On behalf of the whole Reken Maar team we wish you all the best with the preparations and best of luck with your exam!


Interested in innovation management? What jobs can you get?

As you have seen in the earlier part of this article, innovation management is all about bringing new things to market. It is not only about the innovation itself but also about how to judge the value of the innovation to your company and about how to facilitate the implementation. If this course sparks your interest the changes are high you have a progressive way of thinking, this perfect for an innovation manager to be! The cool thing about this function it does not focus on one small part of the company, but you get involved with all the different departments. In addition, you will also think about how to implement these innovations and how to deal with the people and teams who have to work with these innovations.

Since we are speaking from experience and we have passed this exam. We have used this knowledge to create the innovation management Erasmus University EUR summary for you. This summary is composed by former innovation management students at the Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Order your own innovation management Erasmus University EUR summary about here!

On behalf of the whole Reken Maar team we wish you all the best with the preparations and best of luck with your exam!